// Latest articles

Markus Deisenberger

In part 3 of the Music and AI series, Markus Deisenberger deals with the copyright issue of "man vs. machine" and poses the essential question in the context of participatory democracy: "How do we want to shape AI? And what does the development of AI have to do with the invention of the railroad?

3D Audio, Audiosoftware, Interfaces
Shirly Spikes
DIY Electronics, Sound Art
Christine Schoerkhuber
Electronic Music, Music and AI
Markus Deisenberger

3D AudioSpace

We are currently developing the 3D AudioSpace, a new innovative audio streaming platform. It offers a stage for artists from all over the world to present their works in high-quality binaural 3D audio, making immersive sound worlds accessible to a global audience – without the need for special hardware or apps. Our platform is currently run by a small team of volunteers with a lot of dedication and passion.

// Latest articles

Hand und Wellenform
DIY Electronics, Interfaces, Composition
The human voice as a sensor-based electronic live instrument
Ulla Rauter
Suno vs Udio
Composition, Music and AI
Video Editors Are the Next Frontier for AI Music Generators
Ezra Sandzer-Bell
Composition, Contemporary music
My work with different simultaneous tempi
Peter Jakober
Ludovico Vignaga
3D Audio, Electronic Music
10 Practical Guidelines to Best Prepare for an Immersive Audio Performance
Ludovico Vignaga

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// Hands-on

Audiorecording, DIY Electronics
Félix Blume
Electronic Music, Ambisonics, DIY Electronics
Audio-Bibliotheken, Audiorecording
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Electronic Music, Pure Data

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Sonic Phantoms


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