// Latest articles

Aimée Moulson

This practical report explains the technical implementation of the broadcast of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in two variants, firstly as a revolutionary broadcast transmission and secondly as a streaming service for a specially developed app. It also shows how soccer broadcasts can be made more efficient and…

3D Audio, Web Audio
Esteban Gonzalez
3D Audio, Audiosoftware
Fränk Zimmer
3D Audio, Electronic Music, Game Audio
Kasson Crooker

Open Call

8. European 3D Audio Production Competition at IEM Graz in cooperation with vdt, ORF musikprotokoll and Sounding Future.

The competition is divided into three categories:

  • Contemporary / Computer Music
  • Audio Drama / Documentary / Soundscapes
  • Music Recording / Studio Production

// Latest articles

Vision of AOO
Audiosoftware, Electroacoustic music
AOO: low-latency peer-to-peer audio streaming and messaging
Christof Ressi
Trevor Wishart
Electronic Music, Composition, Contemporary music
The Creation of “Dance at the End of Time”
Trevor Wishart
3D Audio, DIY Electronics, Electronic Music
HEKA: Bridging Art, Science, and Technology to Redefine Innovation and Creativity
Katarina Gryvul
Man sitting at desk and listening
Electroacoustic music, Electronic Music, Composition
The Electroacoustic Craftsperson
Adrian Moore

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// Hands-on

Electronic Music, Pure Data
Rafael Hernandez
Electronic Music, Pure Data
Electronic Music, SuperCollider
Electronic Music, Pure Data
Andrew R. Brown

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Contemporary Musical Virtuosities


Here is a randomly selected book from our growing book collection.


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